In the Image of God

"So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him" (Genesis 1:27)

Main Point: Our lives don't have room for both the image of God and sin.

Objects Needed: bird nest or house

small feather(s)

picture of a farm or meadow or raccoon or toy raccoon

some houses made of lightweight paper

blow drier or electric fan (plugged in) or cardboard to wave 


(Get out nest.) Once upon a time, there lived a baby bird, just newly hatched from its egg. It lived in a cozy little nest, built from strong twigs, and lined with comfortable grasses and soft feathers. Overhead and underneath were branches of fragrant green leaves. It was a beautiful home for the bird. And then, one day...the cat came to visit. (Set down nest on the table, and let the feather(s) fall to the floor.) 

That was NOT a good day for the bird. (Point to the nest.) The nest was a wonderful home for the bird, but not for the bird AND the cat. There wasn't room for both.

(Get out picture of farm or toy raccoon) Once upon a time, there was a raccoon. The raccoon lived on a farm near our town. A stream flowed nearby, and all around were fields of delicious corn, and sweet smelling wild flowers. It was a beautiful home for the raccoon. And then, one day...the rabies virus came to that field. (Set t  e picture down next to the nest.) 

That was NOT a good day for the raccoon. The farm was a wonderful home for the raccoon, but not for the raccoon AND the virus. There wasn't room for both.

(Get out houses.) Once upon a time, there were some  . The snug houses were all neatly lined up along a wide tree—lined street in a pretty little village. (Set up houses next to nest and farm picture.) It was a beautiful place for the houses. And then, one day...the tornado came through. (Turn on fan or blow dryer and destroy village. When finished, leave fan next to farm picture and nest.) 

That was NOT a good day for the houses. The village was a wonderful home for the houses, but not for the houses AND the tornado. There wasn't room for both.

(Get out Bible.) Once upon a time, God made a beautiful world. Then He made man, ang He made man in the image of God. Just think! He made man’s character to reflect the very characteristics of God Himself. Man's life was to be a home for love, because God is Love and God created man in his own image. And man's life was to be a home for joy, because God is joyful, and God created man in his own image. And man's life was to be a home for peace, and creativity, and the exuberance of life, because God is all of these things, and God created man in his own image. 

But then sin came in. And sin came in (pick up bird nest) like a raging lion to destroy. And sin came in (pick up farm picture) like an ugly disease to kill. And sin came in (pick up or point

to fan) like a roaring wind to sweep away.

The lives of men are meant to be a wonderful home for the image of God. They are not a good home for the image of God AND for sin. There isn't room for both.
