Man's Companion
"The LORD God then built up the rib, which he had taken out of the man, into a woman" (Genesis 2:22). Main Point: Eve was created to be Adam's close and unforgettable companion. Objects Needed: flower(s) realistic looking stuffed animal(s) candy (enough for everyone) in the picnic basket The children's story this morning needs two volunteers. Who would like to help? Your job will be to hold onto these flowers, and your job will be to hold onto these animals. Now hold them tight! Cherish them! Protect them! Enjoy them! Once upon a time, there were some well-behaved children sitting at the front of the church. One of the children was holding onto some beautiful flowers. And then, the teacher came up to that child and said, "If you leave your flowers on the table over there, then I'll let you see what interesting thing I have in the picnic basket." The child quickly put aside the flowers, and went off to see what was hidden in the basket. (Have the child...