
Man's Companion

"The LORD God then built up the rib, which he had taken out of the man, into a woman" (Genesis 2:22). Main Point: Eve was created to be Adam's close and unforgettable companion. Objects Needed: flower(s) realistic looking stuffed animal(s) candy (enough for everyone) in the picnic basket The children's story this morning needs two volunteers. Who would like to help? Your job will be to hold onto these flowers, and your job will be to hold onto these animals. Now hold them tight! Cherish them! Protect them! Enjoy them! Once upon a time, there were some well-behaved children sitting at the front of the church. One of the children was holding onto some beautiful flowers. And then, the teacher came up to that child and said, "If you leave your flowers on the table over there, then I'll let you see what interesting thing I have in the picnic basket."  The child quickly put aside the flowers, and went off to see what was hidden in the basket. (Have the child...

Male and Female He Created Them

"Then the Lord God Said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will provide a partner for him.'" (Genesis 2:18) Main Point: Men and women are designed to work together as equally important partners. Objects Needed: l sharp knife assorted other knives, radically different from each other (bread knife, plastic knife, craft knife etc.) scissors 2 sheets of paper other sheets of paper, folded and cut to make chains of trees, chains of flowers, birds, animals… Good morning! How many of you have ever made paper doll chains? Shall I show you how to make them? (Get out paper and knife.) You start by folding the paper like this (do so), and Then cut out a human shape. (Try to do so with the knife, and completely mangle it.) Oh boy, this didn't turn out too well! Do you know what I did wrong? I tried to make this using the wrong tool! I just can't cut paper very easily with a knife blade. However, if I were to take two blades, and screw them together (get out sci...

In the Image of God

"So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him" (Genesis 1:27) Main Point: Our lives don't have room for both the image of God and sin. Objects Needed: bird nest or house small feather(s) picture of a farm or meadow or raccoon or toy raccoon some houses made of lightweight paper blow drier or electric fan (plugged in) or cardboard to wave  Bible (Get out nest.) Once upon a time, there lived a baby bird, just newly hatched from its egg. It lived in a cozy little nest, built from strong twigs, and lined with comfortable grasses and soft feathers. Overhead and underneath were branches of fragrant green leaves. It was a beautiful home for the bird. And then, one day...the cat came to visit. (Set down nest on the table, and let the feather(s) fall to the floor.)  That was NOT a good day for the bird. (Point to the nest.) The nest was a wonderful home for the bird, but not for the bird AND the cat. There wasn't room for both. (Get out picture of ...

So God Created Man

"Then the Lord God Formed a man from the dust of the ground..." (Genesis 2:7).  Main Point: Man's value comes not from himself (we're all broken pots), but because of God who made him. Objects Needed: Bible books or magazines showing archeological digs and/or artifacts and/or scenes from ancient cultures pail of sand, kitty litter or cornmeal  broken dish (this story uses a Styrofoam cup) garden trowel, toy shovel and/or brush (optional) How many of you have ever heard the word "archaeologist"? `Can anyone tell me what an archaeologist does? An archaeologist is a scientist who studies people who lived a long time ago. And one of the ways that he or she studies them is by looking for places where the people used to live, and digging up things that the people used to use. Would you like to pay "archaeologist"? Great! Let's pretend that we're scientists looking for information about ancient people. **, take this trowel and carefully dig arou...

God Made the Sun, Moon, and Stars

"God made the two great lights...he made the separate light from darkness..." (Genesis 1:16-18) Main Point : "The heavens tell out the glory of God" (Psalm 19:1a) .  Objects Needed: a magazine, with three special "ads" stapled in to look as if they're part of the magazine. This being Wisconsin, we're advertising milk, but you may substitute whatever it is that your region produces. The first "ad" reads, "Milk Helps build powerful bodies", the second reads, "Milk tastes good" and the third shows a famous athlete/actor/media star with a  glass of milk.  Hello! I've brought along a neat magazine to show you this morning. It's got all kinds of interesting articles in it. Let's have a look. Here's an article about ***. And here's an ad for milk. It says that milk builds powerful bodies The next article is on ***. And what do you know, here's another ad for milk. This ad tells us that mil...