Male and Female He Created Them

"Then the Lord God Said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will provide a partner for him.'" (Genesis 2:18)

Main Point: Men and women are designed to work together as equally important partners.

Objects Needed: l sharp knife

assorted other knives, radically different from each other (bread knife, plastic knife, craft knife etc.)


2 sheets of paper

other sheets of paper, folded and cut to make chains of trees, chains of flowers, birds, animals…

Good morning! How many of you have ever made paper doll chains? Shall I show you how to make them?

(Get out paper and knife.) You start by folding the paper like this (do so), and Then cut out a human shape. (Try to do so with the knife, and completely mangle it.) Oh boy, this didn't turn out too well!

Do you know what I did wrong? I tried to make this using the wrong tool! I just can't cut paper very easily with a knife blade. However, if I were to take two blades, and screw them together (get out scissors)) then I bet that I could cut out a doll chain. (Do so, and stand it up.) There! Two blades were much better than one. Two blades (hold up scissors) succeeded where one blade (hold up knife) messed up thoroughly! Two can be better than one. 

The two won't be better than one, though, unless the two are evenly matched. How would scissors work if I made them out of these two blades? (Hold up two different knives, crossing and uncrossing them to resemble scissors cutting.) How would you like to cut out something using scissors that look like this?

(Hold up a different combination.) How well would this pair work? (Show a different combination.) To work together properly, the two blades have to suit each other. They can be different from each other. The blades of these scissors (hold them up) aren’t exactly alike. The blades can be different, but they have to be equal. One blade can't be "better" than the other, or "more important" than the other, or “superior to" the other. 

(Get out Bible.) In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, He made man in His own image. And then God said, "'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will provide a partner for him'“ (Genesis 2:18).

God decided that two people, male and female, in partnership together, would do better than one in His perfect plan for the world. He chose two people, male and female, in partnership together, (set up paper chains at the appropriate time) to “'Be fruitful and increase, fill and earth and subdue it, rule over the fish in the sea, the birds of heaven, and every living thing that moves upon the earth'" (Genesis 1:28). (Hold up scissors.)

Two, together; different, but equally important.
